I meant to post this earlier, but didn't get the time to do it. Emma's been really active now, plus she's suddenly refusing to eat her cereals, preferring only her biscuits, so my time's really consumed with watching over her and feeding her, at times up to more than an hour! I do hope her fussiness with food is just a phase and not throughout her life, or else I'll have greater headaches later trying to conjure up new recipes for this fussy eater (she can't just eat biscuits all her life right?) =P
Anyway, back to the topic of this post. Roy booked a room at the Rasa Sentosa to celebrate my birthday as well as to enjoy some family time from 1-3 May. Emma had her very 1st swim in the pool and she loved the experience, so I'll try to bring her swimming more often (if I can =P). It was meant to be a free and easy trip, so we did not venture much of Sentosa. We ended up taking naps at the hotel (well, Emma needed the naps... and so do I... =P), swam a bit, relaxed over fish & foot reflexology, and "fishy-watched" at both the Underwater World and the Pink Dolphin Lagoon. Well, we can't be too adventurous when we have a baby on tow... plus, she's still too young to comprehend most of the sights and sounds there. =P
Some of our photos capturing Emma's many firsts:

Emma getting all ready for her 1st swim.

Posing in the pool with daddy.

Kicking and splashing in the water.

"Whee! This is fun!"

The lady at the next table playing with Emma during breakfast time.

Emma was really intrigued by the colours and fishes at the Underwater World. Her eyes were practically glued to the tanks.

Fish Reflexology! It was an interesting experience for both Roy & I, and I believe Emma was having fun watching those little fishes nibbling at mommy & daddy's feet too.

Munching on her biscuits during brunch... sigh, she did not eat much of her cereals... so vexing. =P

See the bits of biscuit strategically positioned below her mouth? We nicknamed her "dracula". hahahah

Burying her head on daddy's chest cos the sun's just too glaring. (We decided to take a short walk along the beach to the hotel & the Ergo carrier was getting a tad too warm for her... I had to pry her away from her daddy so as to prevent her from over-heating... her daddy obviously wanted to carry her longer... but in carrier? Not in this heat! =P)

Posing with mommy under the shade. Ok, my hair's rather messy from the breeze, but the main star is Emma, so I guess I don't really mind posting this photo. Look at her sweet smile. =)

Our last stop before leaving Sentosa - the Pink Dolphin Lagoon. Well, on hindsight, it wasn't a good idea to bring Emma there cos she absolutely had no clue over what was happening, and the weather was scorchingly hot there... but she did enjoy watching the people and playing with some really nice uncles from Korea. =P
maybe Emma prefers something she can munch. but all babies love biscuits!
you can give her other kinda finger food:
hard boiled egg white (no egg yolk b4 1 year old)
boiled carrots/potato/sweet potato/pumpkin.
Apples, pears, papaya (fruits you can scrape with a spoon.
hi adeline.. emma looks like you.. but how come in the poll more people said emma looks like daddy?? btw.. giselle has a blog too.. :) babygiselletan.blogspot.com happy viewing.. she is 6 weeks plus now.. how time flies.. and am going back to work this 14th july.. so fast.. she bu de..
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