Emma has been rubbing her eyes rather frequently lately and I was initially quite puzzled why the constant rubbing - it is especially messy whenever she rubs her eyes/nose while eating her mushed porridge - spreading the goo all over her face. It only dawned on me this morning that it could be because of her hair. Her fringe is getting rather long and her hair is poking her eyes so I took the liberty of cutting her hair this afternoon. It should be relatively easy cutting baby's hair, right? (or so I thought)... wrong thinking... I placed Emma onto the bumbo chair, tore a hole in the newspaper and placed the newspaper over her head (like a bib) so as to prevent the snipped hair from poking her. What seemed easy in my mind was entirely the reverse in reality. I momentarily forgot that I'm dealing with an active baby with unpredictable movements. She moved her head so much that I snipped off too much... and too high.
It was a complete disaster and I ruined my daughter's hairstyle! Sigh...

Understandably, Roy wasn't too happy with my handiwork when I MMS'ed him this picture. I tried feebly to comb her hair to the side hoping that it'll at least look ok and will hide what I did. It didn't work obviously.

In my last desperate attempt, I took a cab to United Square to see if the baby hairdresser could salvage what I'd done. The end result is...
"Mommy, what have you done to my hair??"
She looks like Dora the explorer now. (sigh) =P

I've learnt my lesson... the next time I do attempt to cut her hair, I'll do it while she sleeps. =P
Ade, don't worry, Emma still looks pretty. I tried cutting joejoe's hair the last time, and it was a disaster too. Someone commented he looked like Friar Tuck! haha....
next time take her to my salon. My personal hair stylist can cut for Emma. She can have a shower here too. heehee
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