We're thinking of going to the church camp & realised that Emma needs to have her passport done, so I decided to take a mugshot of her when she woke up. She was looking dazed and confused in this picture. hahaha
Complaining while waiting for mommy to finish washing up in the morning.
I tried putting her in her cot or playmat while I go about doing my chores, but she'll usually start to cry within a few minutes. To buy me more time, I'll just put her in her rocker and let her watch me instead. I'll play peek-a-boo with her while doing my chores until she starts complaining. =P
Emma, the acrobat, while eating her breakfast. She has learnt how to suck her toes! (horrors!)
Since her rice cereal debut, I've let her try Heinz's Organic Baby Vegetables (sweet potato, potato, sweet corn, & carrot) & Heinz's Pumpkin and Sweet Corn puree. The first time she tried the baby veg puree, she gave a want-to-puke face. I had to mix the puree into the rice cereal before she's willing to swallow it. She loves the pumpkin & sweet corn puree though. =)
Still doing her acrobatic stunts even after mommy took off her socks (which is sticky with puree and rice cereal... yucky yucks.)
Drinking water from the sippy cup. Emma's getting quite efficient with that.
Playing with her toys.
Playing with the Sesame Street playgym while sitting on the Bumboo.
Flipping and tummy time in her cot after a change of diapers.
Afternoon nap time after listening to mommy read a bible story in both English & Mandarin.
(she loves listening to stories & will get excited just seeing me holding the book)
Trying out eating dinner in the Ikea highchair.
... and bath time! (censored, so no pictures. ha!)
Baby Emma,
we have so many things in common!
I prefer pumkin and corn to green vege too.
I like to watch my mummy do chores too. but I will sit in the bumbo cos I don't have a rocker.
I love reading since young too. I don't have many chinese books though. so i'm a bit kan-tang now, much to my papa's disappointment.
So Emma Mummy, continue to read in both languages.
Hi Ade!
I have that red musical worm popping apple in my class! $29.90 from Toys R Us rite? Haha!
BTW, Emma looks so adorable with her chin resting on the tray of her high chair. So heart melting! *grin*
hey Fi, thanks! Emma loves that little apple toy.. it's a Christmas gift from her godpa and godma.. =P
Oh, BTW, I will be going for the AirShow with my family tomorrow!
Guess reading from the news report, will have to wake up early & queue & queue! Hope for good weather! :)
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