Psalm 22:10

"From birth I was cast on you; from my mother's womb you have been my God."

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year of New Beginnings

can't believe that it's 2008! The past year, and even the year before, simply went by in a blink of an eye. Time sure waits for no man, and if we aren't aware or vigilant, the year would've passed us by and we'd wasted precious time.

2008 - A year of New Beginnings, so went the exhortation during last night's Watchnight service. I couldn't agree more. New Beginnings for Ade and I as we step into the new year as new parents to our newborn daughter. New Beginnings for me in my work, as I assume new (and increased) responsibilities in my new office, and possibly a career "transition" away from home for a considerable amount of time in 2008.

Much to look forward to. Which means even much more for me to be vigilant, be aware of what God's gonna do in my life this year, and all the more important for me to acknowledge God in my 2008 sojourn in this earth, and learn (all over again) to trust in Him for His leading, moulding, protection, and providence through this year of transition.

Blessed new year everyone!

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