Psalm 22:10

"From birth I was cast on you; from my mother's womb you have been my God."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thank God for another day!

Thank God for another day!
  • of strength despite the intermittent rest
  • of providence of mommy's milk for Emma
  • of wonderful friends who provided wonderful support and help to Ade in this time
  • of great weather for going out
we've been going out for the past 3 days, and it's a challenge to care for Emma on the move, but we still enjoyed our family time out from home. We're getting the hang of things with additional logistics like stroller, baby-nappy-change survival pack, etc. Emma's also getting the hang of sleeping in the stroller, and sleeping snugly in her very own car seat. =)

And each time we went out this week, God sent someone to speak words of life and encouragement, words that speak to Ade in this arduous time of "setting things right" in terms of Emma's exclusive breastfeeding plan.

First was a GP whom we consulted about Emma's constipation problem (caused largely by the "excessive" formula milk supplement for the past 4 weeks! Thank God her constipation problem's resolved since Tues). Incidently, this is the very same GP who did the pregnancy test for Ade 10 months ago. Praise God for her words of encouragement and advice, and her sharing of what breastfeeding is meant to be, the way God designed it to be, so unique for every mother and every baby, and yet able to meet the needs of the respective baby. God provides! Period!

Another was a lactation consultant who also shared pretty much the same insights about breastfeeding, from God's perspective. And another was a friend whom we visited today after our shopping trip at "Mums in Mind", who gave lots of encouragement to Ade, and even helped Ade with easing some of the blocked ducts. (Thanks so much, Noe! I had fun with Jav and Julien!)

Well, as usual, I wished I was on 2 months paternity leave instead of just one week. One week is just too little! I just don't understand how the policy makers can assume that money (baby bonus, etc) can substitute a father's presence at home to help the mother manage a newborn. The policy of three days of paternity leave is just insufficient. I wonder if there's been enough thought behind the design of the policy. It's not as if having the fathers away from work for 3 months will cause any company or organisation from functioning properly. Sometimes, I feel that our organisations are too fixated with having concrete ROIs (return of investments) that can be measured, e.g. time, money. Ah well....

Anyway, it's been a great week thus far, and I can't believe that it's already end of the week. TGIF! Thank God for another day!


Hann Hann said...

Hi Emma's daddy, isn't it fun going out with Emma?

I'm sure she loves going out just as I did.

and those interesting diaper changing episodes. You should be glad yours is a girl. I remember there was once, while mummy was changing me, I "shot" my urine to the next diaper changing cubicle. haha.

Link me!

Emma's Daddy said...

hahaha! yeah! it was fun going out. Emma went to church for the first time today.

u're linked! =)

Hann Hann said...

wow. that great!