Psalm 22:10

"From birth I was cast on you; from my mother's womb you have been my God."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Emma Joy Foo is here! 符明萱出世了!

announcing the birth of Emma Joy Foo! on this 16th day of August, year 2007, at 7:41 am. She's a healthy and cute little gal who measured 47cm in length, and weighed 2.54kg at birth (she's at 37 weeks).

well, it's an interesting experience for us both especially when we least expected her to be born so early. We went to the hairdressers' on wed lunchtime. We Even finally decided to take some photos of Ade with her preggie-tummy in the afternoon, which we were thankful for doing, as we seriously didn't know that was the last chance we could do so.. hahaha...

We even went to church in the evening for worship practice for the upcoming church's Power Weekend. Got back home to watch CSI-Miami, and settled down to sleep. Everything seemed normal up to that point.

At abt 2am, Ade felt that there was a slight gush of amniotic fluid coming out and realised it's the beginning of show! To think we were even joking with our friends in church in the evening prior, that Emma'll probably come out a couple of weeks later. Well, lo and behold! We certainly weren't expecting this at 2am so soon!!! hahaha

we grabbed our pre-packed emergency bag, my laptop, my camera, and rushed to the hospital.
[ all set and waiting expectantly ]

[ monitoring the contractions and Emma's heartbeat ]

We reached the hospital at 3am - Ade prepared for labour and waited at the delivery ward. So far, no pain yet. All's ok until about 4:45am when Ade felt much pain in the contractions, squirming about trying to find comfort. She was abt 4cm dilated then. I sure felt at a loss not being able to help alleviate the pain that she was going through.

[ ok.. now THAT was painful and tiring!.. ah? another one's coming? so soon? ]

After trying to bear with the pain for another 10min, she decided for epidural to be administered. Thank God for that! Ade was abt 5cm dilated by the time the epidural was administered half an hour later. She sure felt much better after that, and at least she could try to rest a little before the final effort to push Emma out.

[ ah.. thank God for epidural! ]

Soon after that, before we knew it, Ade was 10cm dilated by 6:40am! Emma's coming out very very soon! and we were waiting eagerly for our gynae, who only came at abt 7:30am. What a long wait that was. At that juncture, Ade and I really couldn't wait to see Emma!

[ pure oxygen for Emma... ]

Ade did about 3 contractions worth of pushing before Emma was pulled out with the help of forceps. That feeling of watching a life, our daughter appearing right in front of our eyes was simply indescribable! Of course Emma had to demonstrate her vocal prowess, but she quickly quietened down when she heard Ade's voice and my voice assuring her everything's ok. It's so heartwarming. I'll never exchange anything in this life for that expression of trust in Emma's face. NEVER! Thank God I'm here in Singapore to see Emma being born.. =)

[ this is it! Emma's birth-time... ]

[ a really small Emma in happy mommie's arms.. almost seemed so surreal... but this is definitely undoubtedly very real! =) ]

[ peeking.. hahaha ]

[ Emma's little smile ]

Well, Emma seemed like a well-tempered gal. Didn't fuss at all when the nurse carried her to weigh and measure her. Emma kept peeking through her eyes, slowly observing her surroundings. My heart just melted whenever she opened her eyes and smiled in response to my voice.

[ 32cm head circumference ]

[ 47cm long ]

[ weighing at 2.54kg ]
[ "korean"-like Emma ]

[ *yawn*.. sleepy now ]

[ altogether now.. ]

well, that's all for now.. I've not slept yet and I'm prob running on adrenaline, but heck! I feel as if I can run my Army Half Marathon now! hahaha.. ok.. time to go peek at Emma.. =)


Noe said...

Wah! You are fast daddy dearest!
Nonetheless, Congratulations again! Emma's so so adorable.
Droool ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... EXCITING!!! CONGRATULATIONS Roy and Adeline! I can't believe I was just touching Ade's preggie tummy last night at church and now, tummy has become Emma. Welcome to the CM family, Emma! And welcome to being an August baby!!! Can't wait to see you now...Luv, Aileen

Anonymous said...

Emma's such a sweet baby! :) Congrats once again and catch as much rest as possible while in the hospital :P

*hugz* from Ivy, John & Trevor

~AlanSal~ said...

Aiyo! So cute! Love her cheeks!!!
Cya tonite!!!

soulman said...

Wow, how in the world did you manage to upload your post so fast? I tried the last time but could not find any network. Anyway, like we told you just now, Emma is soooo cute!!! She looks so "Ang Moh" ha ha! We are so happy for the three of you...and soon the Maclaren Girls can start taking their strolls together!!

Uncle Adrian, Auntie Jasmine and Jie Jie Cherise...

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Roy and Ade - Emma Joy's certainly a beautiful addition to the world! Praise God that all went well too. Get some much-needed rest, think that will be a scarce commodity in the days to come ;-)

Take care and say hi to Emma for us!

Paul & Karen

Emma's Daddy said...

thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes and gifts... Ade's resting fine, and Emma's definitely enjoying her sleep.. =)

watch out! 'Maclaren' Emma will be out on the pavements soon to join 'Maclaren' Cherise.. we just need 'Maclaren' Zoe to complete the Maclaren gals.. =)