The past week has been a test for us, and especially for Ade. I had to go back to work since mon, and Ade's been handling Emma alone for the large part of each day. She's been doing a great job, albeit the increased frequency of feeding Emma in this week as it's Emma's growth spurt week. Thank God for His providence of milk through Ade. It's definitely more than enough for Emma as evident in her post-feed snooooozes.
We're both a little tired out, but thank God for strength still. We pray that Emma will be able to sleep a little longer in the night (she actually slept 4 hrs last night before her night feed!), so that Ade can rest better too.
Psalm 22:10
"From birth I was cast on you; from my mother's womb you have been my God."
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
We bought the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe a couple of months back, and only got down to trying it out on Emma today. We've been using the normal flannel cloth to swaddle Emma since her birth. It's really easy to swaddle her with the SwaddleMe, which is very secure with its velcro straps. Now we don't have to worry about Emma squirming her way out and freeing her hands whenever we swaddle her. Emma's enjoying being in the snug and comfy SwaddleMe too. She really slept soundly in the late afternoon. We put Emma in the SwaddleMe again after we cleaned her and changed her into her sleepsuit, and the smiley look on her face just tells how much she's enjoying the snuggawugwug feeling.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thank God for another day!
Thank God for another day!
And each time we went out this week, God sent someone to speak words of life and encouragement, words that speak to Ade in this arduous time of "setting things right" in terms of Emma's exclusive breastfeeding plan.
First was a GP whom we consulted about Emma's constipation problem (caused largely by the "excessive" formula milk supplement for the past 4 weeks! Thank God her constipation problem's resolved since Tues). Incidently, this is the very same GP who did the pregnancy test for Ade 10 months ago. Praise God for her words of encouragement and advice, and her sharing of what breastfeeding is meant to be, the way God designed it to be, so unique for every mother and every baby, and yet able to meet the needs of the respective baby. God provides! Period!
Another was a lactation consultant who also shared pretty much the same insights about breastfeeding, from God's perspective. And another was a friend whom we visited today after our shopping trip at "Mums in Mind", who gave lots of encouragement to Ade, and even helped Ade with easing some of the blocked ducts. (Thanks so much, Noe! I had fun with Jav and Julien!)
Well, as usual, I wished I was on 2 months paternity leave instead of just one week. One week is just too little! I just don't understand how the policy makers can assume that money (baby bonus, etc) can substitute a father's presence at home to help the mother manage a newborn. The policy of three days of paternity leave is just insufficient. I wonder if there's been enough thought behind the design of the policy. It's not as if having the fathers away from work for 3 months will cause any company or organisation from functioning properly. Sometimes, I feel that our organisations are too fixated with having concrete ROIs (return of investments) that can be measured, e.g. time, money. Ah well....
Anyway, it's been a great week thus far, and I can't believe that it's already end of the week. TGIF! Thank God for another day!
- of strength despite the intermittent rest
- of providence of mommy's milk for Emma
- of wonderful friends who provided wonderful support and help to Ade in this time
- of great weather for going out
And each time we went out this week, God sent someone to speak words of life and encouragement, words that speak to Ade in this arduous time of "setting things right" in terms of Emma's exclusive breastfeeding plan.
First was a GP whom we consulted about Emma's constipation problem (caused largely by the "excessive" formula milk supplement for the past 4 weeks! Thank God her constipation problem's resolved since Tues). Incidently, this is the very same GP who did the pregnancy test for Ade 10 months ago. Praise God for her words of encouragement and advice, and her sharing of what breastfeeding is meant to be, the way God designed it to be, so unique for every mother and every baby, and yet able to meet the needs of the respective baby. God provides! Period!
Another was a lactation consultant who also shared pretty much the same insights about breastfeeding, from God's perspective. And another was a friend whom we visited today after our shopping trip at "Mums in Mind", who gave lots of encouragement to Ade, and even helped Ade with easing some of the blocked ducts. (Thanks so much, Noe! I had fun with Jav and Julien!)
Well, as usual, I wished I was on 2 months paternity leave instead of just one week. One week is just too little! I just don't understand how the policy makers can assume that money (baby bonus, etc) can substitute a father's presence at home to help the mother manage a newborn. The policy of three days of paternity leave is just insufficient. I wonder if there's been enough thought behind the design of the policy. It's not as if having the fathers away from work for 3 months will cause any company or organisation from functioning properly. Sometimes, I feel that our organisations are too fixated with having concrete ROIs (return of investments) that can be measured, e.g. time, money. Ah well....
Anyway, it's been a great week thus far, and I can't believe that it's already end of the week. TGIF! Thank God for another day!
Monday, September 17, 2007
what a week!
It's been a most eventful week for me. Fought really hard to get well from the flu bug and the throat inflammation. Struggled really hard to come to terms with certain events at work, and to see things from the bigger perspectives of God's eyes, instead of through man's often myopic perspectives. Also, tried my utmost best to be a husband, and a father at home at the same time. Perhaps some may think that all these are "chicken-feed", they are still quite a handful to manage all at one go, and it is definitely by God's grace that I can be writing this blog entry with a sane mind, a fit (well, almost.. perhaps 98%) body, and a peaceful spirit within me. I thank God for the song "God is here" in Martha Munizzi's "The Best Is Yet To Come" worship album. The words are just timely to remind me that despite the feelings of disappointments, disgruntlements, despair, and anxiety, God is here! with me, and within me!
The lyrics said it all! and this song just resonated within me the whole day. Oh! did I tell u that this song is one of Emma's lullabies? step aside mozart, for God's praise and worship is much better! =)
Our confinement lady left on fri, but thankfully, Ade and I are still coping well to date. I guess trying to be hands-on with caring for Emma when the confinement lady was still around really helped a lot.
The big thing we've had to tackle was Emma's feeding plan. We've been adjusting the Emma's feeding plan for the past four weeks.
After 2 days, this has worked so much better!! Though frequency of direct latching is high, and though we've gotta get up average of 2 times in the night compared to the previous once a night, it's still less tiring than Ade having to sit up to pump every 3 hours, even at night. Now Ade can also rest by lying down while nursing Emma in the middle of the night, and it will also help a lot more in stimulating milk supply. Right now, one thing we're sure of, and that is God made man and woman so intricately and uniquely for the roles that they take on in life. For Ade, God has made her a mother who can provide in great abundance for Emma's needs. Amen! Await for praise reports on our (or rather God's) new feeding plan for Emma. =)
For me, I'm enjoying bath-times with Emma, which she also enjoys thoroughly. Perhaps she enjoys teasing me with her pee during her bath-times! hahaha.. yes yes, I've been "baptised" 3 times to date by Emma's pee. The first time was when I was just wiping her face at the beginning of a bath, and the next thing I knew, I felt warm and wet at my thighs where she was resting upon. haha! it happened a second time round, and I then told Emma to only pee after her bath, and that she sure did, peeing the moment she was lifted out from the tub onto the towel that's on my lap! argh! is she smart or what? next time, I'll tell her to pee only after she's put on the diaper after the bath.
Emma's now a month old, and it's been a busy sunday with her first-month celebration. This round of celebration was for Ade's family and relatives, and a few of her friends. It's a blessing to see them all extending their love and well-wishes to Emma through gifts. We thank God for all of them! But after a long day, all we wanna do now is to enjoy our own family time, and rest. =) rest.. so that we'll have more energy for another round of celebration with my family and relatives.
All in all, it's been a long roller-coaster week... but whatever the ups and downs, at the end of the day, God has been good. We feel so blessed and secure in Him, with His presence in our home, in our hearts. I'm looking forward to this week of leave when I can stay home, and be with my family.
[ PS. more photos of Emma at ]
There is a sweet anointing in this sanctuary.
There is a stillness in the atmosphere.
Come and lay down the burdens you have carried,
For in this sanctuary God is here.
He is here, He is here,
To break the yoke and lift the heavy burden.
He is here, He is here,
To heal the hopeless heart and bless the broken.
Come and lay down the burdens you have carried,
For in this sanctuary God is here.
There is a stillness in the atmosphere.
Come and lay down the burdens you have carried,
For in this sanctuary God is here.
He is here, He is here,
To break the yoke and lift the heavy burden.
He is here, He is here,
To heal the hopeless heart and bless the broken.
Come and lay down the burdens you have carried,
For in this sanctuary God is here.
The lyrics said it all! and this song just resonated within me the whole day. Oh! did I tell u that this song is one of Emma's lullabies? step aside mozart, for God's praise and worship is much better! =)
Our confinement lady left on fri, but thankfully, Ade and I are still coping well to date. I guess trying to be hands-on with caring for Emma when the confinement lady was still around really helped a lot.
The big thing we've had to tackle was Emma's feeding plan. We've been adjusting the Emma's feeding plan for the past four weeks.
- "Direct latch."..
- "aiya, not enough lah, must supplement with formula milk"..
- "still not enough lah.. she's growing more.. so more supplement formula feeds.. and must pump more to stimulate supply at the same time.."
After 2 days, this has worked so much better!! Though frequency of direct latching is high, and though we've gotta get up average of 2 times in the night compared to the previous once a night, it's still less tiring than Ade having to sit up to pump every 3 hours, even at night. Now Ade can also rest by lying down while nursing Emma in the middle of the night, and it will also help a lot more in stimulating milk supply. Right now, one thing we're sure of, and that is God made man and woman so intricately and uniquely for the roles that they take on in life. For Ade, God has made her a mother who can provide in great abundance for Emma's needs. Amen! Await for praise reports on our (or rather God's) new feeding plan for Emma. =)
For me, I'm enjoying bath-times with Emma, which she also enjoys thoroughly. Perhaps she enjoys teasing me with her pee during her bath-times! hahaha.. yes yes, I've been "baptised" 3 times to date by Emma's pee. The first time was when I was just wiping her face at the beginning of a bath, and the next thing I knew, I felt warm and wet at my thighs where she was resting upon. haha! it happened a second time round, and I then told Emma to only pee after her bath, and that she sure did, peeing the moment she was lifted out from the tub onto the towel that's on my lap! argh! is she smart or what? next time, I'll tell her to pee only after she's put on the diaper after the bath.
Emma's now a month old, and it's been a busy sunday with her first-month celebration. This round of celebration was for Ade's family and relatives, and a few of her friends. It's a blessing to see them all extending their love and well-wishes to Emma through gifts. We thank God for all of them! But after a long day, all we wanna do now is to enjoy our own family time, and rest. =) rest.. so that we'll have more energy for another round of celebration with my family and relatives.
All in all, it's been a long roller-coaster week... but whatever the ups and downs, at the end of the day, God has been good. We feel so blessed and secure in Him, with His presence in our home, in our hearts. I'm looking forward to this week of leave when I can stay home, and be with my family.
[ PS. more photos of Emma at ]
Friday, September 7, 2007
by the flu bug.. yes yes.. i've refrained from touching Emma for the past couple of days ever since my throat acted up. Got some face masks from the pharmacy as well, but figured I'd better not contact Emma just in case she falls sick. That's the last thing we want, especially when she's just a newborn, and have yet to go for her jabs. Can't wait to get well so that I can start to feed and bathe Emma, and play with her again.
For now, i'm just trying to drink lots of water and rest to get well. And I pray that the bug'll wear off in a couple of days.
oh! congrats to the Kohs on their newborn daughter Zoe at 1335h today! YEH! The CM MacLaren girls (Cherise, Emma, and Zoe) are all here now!
For now, i'm just trying to drink lots of water and rest to get well. And I pray that the bug'll wear off in a couple of days.
oh! congrats to the Kohs on their newborn daughter Zoe at 1335h today! YEH! The CM MacLaren girls (Cherise, Emma, and Zoe) are all here now!
Monday, September 3, 2007
3rd week update
Thought I could give a short update on Emma's progress. We're still feeding her formula milk after latching her on for breastmilk at every feed (because of this, it usually takes 2 hrs to complete a feeding - over 1 hr of her latching on, and another 30-40 mins for me to pump out excess milk while daddy or confinement lady feeds her the formula milk), but because of the formula milk, she seems fuller & trying rouse her from her sweet dreams is really challenging... she'll sleep for 3-4 hrs at a stretch & will get grouchy if she wakes up prematurely. In a way, it gives me more time for rest/eat/bathe/sleep/pump more milk etc, but i'm just worried her sleeping past feeding times is not helping to stimulate my milk supply... hmm, but, something is better than nothing at all, so as long as I'm still diligently latching her on and pumping milk for her, I'm sure she'll still have the best in store for her. heh... (Oh yah, for those keeping tabs, she has pooped 4 more times since last Fri. Not everyday, but at least she's passing motion... hahahah... sorry if this grosses you out.)
We'll be going to TMC's Parentcraft this afternoon to weigh her and check if she's thriving from her feeds. Our lactation consultant ordered that cos of her low birth weight. We'll update again later. =)
We'll be going to TMC's Parentcraft this afternoon to weigh her and check if she's thriving from her feeds. Our lactation consultant ordered that cos of her low birth weight. We'll update again later. =)
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Who looks like who?
Ade and I just took out our baby photos to compare with Emma's photo.. hehehe... we might as well do a poll on "who looks like who?".. won't tell u who's who in the photos below, and let u decide who Emma looks like more.. hehehe..
the poll's in the right column of this blog. Take an extRemEly good look And let the poll begin.. =) enjoy!
[ PS: hints about who's who in the photos should be obvious enough eh? =) ]
the poll's in the right column of this blog. Take an extRemEly good look And let the poll begin.. =) enjoy!

I'm simply amazed by babies' ability to multitask. They can sleep, drink milk, swallow, breathe, poo-poo and wee-wee.. all at the SAME time! They sure know how to maximise their time.. well, I for one, know that Emma's able to do all that. hahaha.. and I'm really enjoying watching Emma do all that as I fed her each time. Well, she doesn't poo-poo during every feed, but she can sure do the rest of what I listed earlier everytime. But seeing her satisfied look, and hearing her loud BURP just heartens me lots as I carried her each time. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting the hang of bottle-feeding Emma, changing her diapers, swaddling her and putting her to sleep. I'm thankful that Emma's pretty fuss-free thus far, which makes it a lot easier for us to do all that. And we pray that she'll continue to be that sweet-spirited and peaceful baby as she grows each day.
we put Emma in her stroller for the first time today at home, just to try her out, and to adjust the straps. Gosh, she sure looks very very small.. heehee.. soon, she'll be out and about in the streets in her very own MacLaren "ride".. hahaha
we put Emma in her stroller for the first time today at home, just to try her out, and to adjust the straps. Gosh, she sure looks very very small.. heehee.. soon, she'll be out and about in the streets in her very own MacLaren "ride".. hahaha
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